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Jill Eslick, 530-273-3351, x 3205 (email) (All Payrolls)
Morgan Monaghan, 530-273-3351 x 3209 (email) (Substitutes and Students)
Stephanie O'Callaghan, Coordinator of Human Resources 530-273-3351, x 3208 (email)

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To Note:

Permanent certificated and classified employees are paid at the end of each month. Contractual pay is split equally over the fiscal year. Health and welfare benefits are paid similarly, ending in June of any fiscal year.
Temporary, part-time employees (substitutes, adult education, home/hospital, and student workers) are paid on the 10th of the month. Timesheets are due to the payroll department near the end of the month.
Salary schedules are available below.
Click here for health and welfare information.
Collective Bargaining Representation
Most employees are represented by one of these three employee organizations: certificated non-management employees are covered by the Nevada Joint Union High School Teachers Association (NJUHSTA), classified non-management employees are covered by the California Schools Employees Association, Chapter 165, (CSEA), and adult education teachers by the Placer/Nevada Teachers Union, AFT Local 2267, AFL-CIO. Employee union dues are mandatory to each association. Contracts are available through the links below.
Advancement on the Salary Schedule

Certificated employees must notify the District, in writing, of any additional units or advanced degrees they have received. Employees will advance after a review of the official transcript(s), and the salary advance will be effective on the date the transcript(s) are received by the District Personnel Office. (NJUHSTA Article 27.4)
Tax Sheltered Annuities

SchoolsFirst is the district’s Tax Sheltered Annuities Administrator, which allows employees to tax defer income through various tax-sheltered annuities.
Tax-sheltered annuities allow employees to shelter a portion of their income in a personal retirement plan. The district has "hold harmless agreements" on many different funds. However, any new funds must be supported by CalSTRS. CalSTRS support can be viewed on the STRS website.
To make any changes to your TSA, employees must complete the SchoolsFirst form (available under "Related Files" below). Changes can only be made twice per year, except to cancel the deduction.
Remember! ANY changes to the end-of-the-month payroll must be turned in to the Payroll Department by the 13th of the month.

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Related Links

  • SchoolsFirts
        SchoolsFirst is the Nevada Joint Union High School District's third party administrator for our 403(b) plan.

  • 403 (b) Compare
        This site was created to help employees of California's local school districts, community college districts or county offices of education make better-informed investment decisions by offering information about 403(b) plans.

  • AFLAC Representative
        Aflac offers a comprehensive portfolio of affordable voluntary benefit options to eligible employees. Aflac pays cash benefits directly to the insured to help with out of pocket expenses such as deductibles and co-pays, loss of income, travel, and other expenses typically associated with a serious medical event; these benefits are paid regardless of other coverage which may be in force. Coverage types include: Short-term Disability, Accident, Cancer, Critical Illness, Hospital, Vision, Dental and Life Insurance.

  • NBS - National Benefit Services 
        NBS - National Benefit Services provides administration for tax-sheltered Un-Reimbursed Medical* (URM) and Dependent Day Care (DDC) Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA).  These voluntary programs allow employees to potentially save money on expenses which you may already have by reducing income tax liabilities. To learn more, please refer to the NBS FSA brochure in this link or call 1-800-274-0503 for more information.

Photographs by David Arnold and students from the Advanced Photography Program at Nevada Union High School