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Contractor Pre-Qualification Information

Small Projects under $220K (CUPCCAA)

The District is a participant in the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA).  The act requires some additional paperwork on our part, but it does allow for more streamlined negotiation and bidding of projects valued at less than $220K.   
Contractors who are interested in adding themselves to our list to be notified of informal bidding projects by license classification can submit their information below.  Please submit one form for each license classification you have which you seek to do business with the District.  The form needs to be submitted every year, and it is the responsibility of the contractor to do so.  You can view the District's list here

Large Projects over $220K

Contractors shall read the Announcement of Pre-Qualification Procedures for Construction Contractors in its entirety before seeking pre-qualification with NJUHSD :  CLICK HERE TO READ Contractors are encouraged to submit their pre-qualification questionnaire and uploaded documents as soon as possible but no later than 10 business days prior to bid opening.  Links to bidding documents will be available on this site as well as area builders' exchanges when published.
Contractor Pre-Qualification :  CLICK HERE

There is no cost to contractors interested in pre-qualifying with NJUHSD.
Please contact Heather Quiggle at or 530-273-3351 x3216. 


Thank you for your interest in pre-qualifying and working with us!


District Appeal's Process:  Click Here to Read

Or you may follow this link to get started:  Follow this Link