The files listed below include all annual parent notifications as required by Education Code section 48980.  


If you prefer not to release your student's directory information, or if you do not want your student to participate in Health, Family Life, or Sex Education instruction, please indicate so on the last page of the Annual Notice of Parents Rights & Responsibilities.

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Indian Education

Each year districts conduct a survey to identify American Indian students attending our county public schools. This survey determines the amount of federal funding our Indian Education program will receive.  If your student is of American Indian descent, please take a few moments to complete the form below.  Your child is automatically enrolled in the program when you complete and return this form to your school.  The program is coordinated by the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools Office. For additional information contact Melissa Balderston at 530-478-6400.

card header iconDeny Access of Student Information to the Military

Federal Law (No Child Left Behind, Section 9528) requires schools to disclose the names and addresses of students in grades 7‐12 to military recruiters, if so requested. However, a secondary school student or the parent of the student may request that the student’s name, address, and telephone listing not be released to the military without prior written parental consent.