Arts Media and Entertainment -Visual Arts
Bear River High School Ag Animal Science pathwayArts, Media and Entertainment Pathway - NUHSThe Visual and Commercial Arts pathway includes those occupations that use visual art, digital media, and Web-based tools and materials as the primary means of communication and expression. In addition to an understanding of current workplace practice, this career pathway requires the development of knowledge and skills in both visual art concepts as well as new and emerging digital processes by which individuals are able to create and communicate complex concepts in a broad range of occupations and professions.

CTE Career Pathway: Visual / Commercial Arts

Course I

Course II

Course III

Online Multimedia I (Journalism)
#7220 (concentrator)

Online Multimedia II (Journalism)
#7221 (capstone)

Media Internship
#7221 (repeat credit)

Publication Design I (Yearbook)
#7220 (concentrator)

Publication Design II (Yearbook)
#7221 (capstone) *PR7220

Publication Internship
#7221 (repeat credit)

Publication Design I (Literary Magazine)
#7220 (concentrator)

Publication Design II (Literary Magazine)
#7221 (capstone) *PR7220

Literary Magazine Internship
#7221 (repeat credit)

* Receives CSU/UC, A-G credit
+ College Credit Option

Online Multimedia I (Journalism)
  • Grade Levels: 9-12
  • Repetitions for Credit: Yes
  • Prerequisites: None
  • *CSU/UC “G” College Prep Elective Credit
Online Multimedia I, or Journalism, is a mass media class. Students will learn journalistic writing, editing, photojournalism, interviewing, web publishing, podcasting, news video production, etc. Students produce content for the online publication The Current , the student news site of Bear River. Just like professionals, student journalists must meet deadlines. This is a class for students interested in their First Amendment rights, the rights of the press, student empowerment and free expression.
Online Multimedia II (Journalism Editorship)
  • Grade Levels: 10-12
  • Repetitions for Credit: Yes
  • Prerequisites: Yes, Online Media I, Introduction to Digital Design, or Publication Design I
  • *CSU/UC “G” College Prep Elective Credit
Online Multimedia II students are on track for an editorship. Students continue to learn journalistic writing, editing, photojournalism, interviewing, web publishing, podcasting, news video production, etc. Students produce content for the online publication The Current, the student news site of Bear River. Just like professionals, student journalists must meet deadlines. Editors fulfill important leadership roles in the class. They oversee the curation and publication of staff work.
Publication Design I (Yearbook)
  • Grade Levels: 9-12
  • Repetitions for Credit: Yes
  • Prerequisites: None
  • *CSU/UC “G” College Prep Elective Credit
Publication Design, commonly known as Yearbook, is a publications class that culminates in the annual school yearbook, The Rapids . Students will learn graphic design, feature writing and photojournalism through hands-on assignments. They will market and sell the yearbook, representing Bear River to the public. Students are required to meet strict deadlines set by our printer. This is a class for students who want to document their unique high school experience. Examples of past yearbooks:
Publication Design II (Yearbook Editorship)
  • Grade Levels: 11-12
  • Repetitions for Credit: Yes
  • Prerequisites: Yes, Online Media I, Introduction to Digital Design, or Publication Design I
  • *CSU/UC “G” College Prep Elective Credit
Publication Design II students are on track for an editorship. They will continue their leadership journey as they oversee the annual school yearbook, The Rapids . Students will continue to learn graphic design, feature writing and photojournalism. They will market and sell the yearbook, representing Bear River to the public. Students are required to meet strict deadlines set by our printer. Repeating students can achieve honors and leadership opportunities through editorships. Examples of past yearbooks:
Publication Design I (Literary Magazine)
  • Grade Levels: 9-12
  • Repetitions for Credit: Yes
  • Prerequisites: None
  • *CSU/UC “G” College Prep Elective Credit
A literary magazine is a periodical devoted to literature and art. Students will act as editors, page designers, curators and creators. They will create a magazine of the most outstanding art and written word from area teens. The annual culminating product is Reflection , the official high school literary magazine of NJUHSD. Students will learn about diverse forms of visual art,literature, design, photography, all forms of poetry, first-person narratives, short fiction, screenplay excerpts, superb essays, and Q & A’s. This is a class about translating complex, powerful life themes for publication. First issue of Lit Mag:
Publication Design II (Literary Magazine Editorship)
  • Grade Levels: 10-12
  • Repetitions for Credit: Yes
  • Prerequisites: Yes, Online Media I, Introduction to Digital Design, or Publication Design I
  • *CSU/UC “G” College Prep Elective Credit
Literary Magazine II students are on track for an editorship. Students will continue to act as editors, page designers, curators and creators. The annual culminating product is Reflection, the official high school literary magazine of NJUHSD. Students will explore diverse forms of visual art, literature, design, photography, all forms of poetry, first-person narratives, short fiction, screenplay excerpts, superb essays, and Q & A’s. Repeating students and editors fulfill important leadership roles in the class. They oversee the curation and publication of the magazine. First issue of Lit Mag:


Sierra College - Digital Media AA/AS Degree,Certificate of Achievement, Skills Certificate
General Courses of Study


(Opportunities directly out of high school)
Occupations in Pathway

Regional Employment

Vision Graphics
The Union

Regional Employment

Vision Graphics
The Union

card header iconJournalism

Visual and Commercial Arts- Bear River - Newsroom
Visual and Commercial Arts- Bear River-Sonora
Visual and Commercial Arts- Bear River- McKenna
Visual and Commercial Arts- Bear River - Ciana
Journalism students